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Verb     = blue

5 Sneaky Ways the Holidays Harm
Your Immunity

By Kelsey Kloss

‘This the reason for mini chocolates, apple pie, and, pumpkin-spice latters, but cold-and-flu season is the worst time to dig in. “Sugar consumption lessens our ability to fight off infections”, says Kathryn Boling MD, a primary care physician at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore. Phagocytosis, in wich white blood cells attack and engulf viruses and bacteria, is significantly reduced when you eat simple sugars, Indulge in moderation and opt for sugar-free beverages.

A virus replicates much more effectively on a dry mucous membrane than it does on a moist mucous membrane, so colds and the flu spread like crazy in dry environments,” says Dr. Boling. Turn on a humidifier when you go to sleep at night, and drink plenty of water.

There’s a downside to working extra hours at your desk or hibernating in your warm, cozy house: “When you are not exposed to sunlight, you tend to sleep more and exercise less, which contribute to a weaker immune system,” says Neha Vyas MD, a family medicine doctor at Cleveland Clinic. You may also produce less vitamin D, which boosts immune cell’s production of microbe-flighting proteins. Adults with low vitamin D levels could potentially get sick more often, Consider popping a vitamin D supplement for an extra immunity boost.

Holiday shopping involves handling cash, opening store doors, and using germy ATMs. One British study found nearly same amount of bacteria (the kind that can cause diarrhea and other sicknesses) on ATM As on public toilets. When New York University researchers tested dollar bills, the identified 3000 types of bacteria, including varieties that cause gastric ulcers, pneumonia, staph infections, and food poisoning. If possible, keep gloves on when you touch door handles or shopping carts, and wash your hands sanitizer before you eat.

We go to parties, stay up a little later, and sleep later in the mornings,” says Dr. Boling. “That discruption can be a trigger in people prone to headaches.” Choose instead to fight back againts holiday chaos once the clock striker bedtime. In a university of North Calorilnaat Chapel Hill study, women who had consistent sleep routline reduced headache frequency and intensity.   

Source:  Reader’s digest, 21 true life stories of kindness & Generosity. (page 70).

Main Idea point 1:
Sugar consumption lessens our ability to fight off infections.
Main Idea point 2:
Turn on a humidifier when you go to sleep at night, and drink plenty of water
Main Idea point 3:
Get stuck indoors and produce vitamin D for an extra immunity boost.
Main Idea point 4:
One British study found nearly same amount of bacteria (the kind that can cause diarrhea and other sicknesses) on ATMs As on public toilets so keep gloves on when you touch door handles.
Main Idea point 5:
women who had consistent sleep routline reduced headache frequency and intensity.


People rone       = orang-orang rentan
Researchers       = para peneliti
Handling            = penanganan
Consider            = pertimbangan
Reduce               = mengurangi
Stuck                  = terjebak

Indulge              = manjakan


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